Loan Life Cycle

Loan Transaction Lifecycle

Loan Transaction Lifecycle

After a loan account is created, it undergoes through three major stages to complete its lifecycle. Each stage has its processes and actions that can be executed within it.

The three main stages include:

After a loan is created, it enters a "pending" status. During this time, the loan application is evaluated by a loan officer or another authorized user within your organization who has the necessary role and permission to approve the loan.

Pending Approval

Once a loan is created, it is set to "Pending" status. The loan application under this stage is awaiting evaluation by the loan officer or any other user within your organization who has the necessary role and permission to approve the loan. Under this stage, the loan can either be:

  1. Approved
  2. Rejected
  3. Withdrawn by the client.


In this stage the loan application can be modified.


Upon approval, the loan account is set to "Approved" status. This applies that the loan application has been successfully reviewed and awaiting disbursement.

Note: The loan application cannot be modified in this stage unless the loan approval is undone. See the table below for other actions that can be carried out in this stage.


Here is the loan is disbursed and set to "Active" status. The loan account will remain active even after repayment.

Below are the actions that can be carried out at each stage of the loan lifecycle.

Loan StatusActionsDescription
Pending loanLoan account created, awaiting approval
Approve LoanLoan approved
Modify Loan ApplicationPending approval
Reject LoanLoan rejected/canceled.
Assign Loan OfficerNew loan officer, pending approval
Withdrawn by client Loan canceled
Delete Loan ApplicationDelete or cancel loan application
Add collateralModify loan application; pending approval
Approved Approved, awaiting disbursement
Undo Loan ApprovalPending approval
Disburse LoanActive
Assign loan officerAdd a new loan officer.
Withdrawn by clientLoan canceled
Delete loan application.Loan canceled
Add CollateralApproved
ActiveDisbursed, awaiting repayment.
Prepay LoanActive if the balance owing is greater than zero.
Closed (Obligation Met) if balance is equal or less than zero
Foreclose LoanClosed (Obligation Met)
RepaymentActive if the balance owing is greater than zero.
Closed (Obligation Met) if balance is equal or less than zero
Undo disbursalApproved
Add and view the guarantor.Active
Waive interest Active
Reschedule loanClosed (Written Off)
Write Off LoanClosed (Written Off)
Generate letterActive