Tenant Environment

There are two environments in the Woodcore console: the test environment and the production environment. These environments are made available to organizations during the onboarding process. However, not at once, the test environment is first provisioned and subsequently, the tenant is migrated to the production or live environment.

Both environments contain the complete features of the Woodcore console and APIs.

Test environment

The test environment also known as the test console is a fully functional and separate user interface that allows your organizations to perform operations, test out features and train their employees on the operations of the system without affecting their live data.

Once the onboarding process is concluded, a test console and access to the console with be created for a specific number of users within your organization for a trial period. The users with access to the console are provided by the organization. Operations carried out in the test environment are not replicated in the production environment. Therefore, organizations have the opportunity to “play around” with the system with no risk of affecting their clients or system data.

There are two test environments made available for each tenant.

The first test environment serves as a platform for testing and getting acquainted with the system. While the second environment will be used for data migration purpose. This is primarily for organizations with existing customer data. The data is migrated from the previous system to the test environment before it is cloned to the production environment.



The data on the test environment are not backed-up or saved in the database. We recommend that live data should not be added to the test environment created for testing purposes.

You can log in to the test environment using the test console URL: https://console.test.woodcoreapp.com/

Production environment

The production environment is your organization’s live application. This is a critical tenant that requires a high level of security, and performance. The production environment contains your organization's live data, including clients’ data, reports, etc. Changes made here are saved and reflected in your database.

Note that only data from the test environment for migration purposes is migrated to production.

Although the test and production environments belong to the same tenant they operate separately. Actions taken in the test environment do not affect the production data.

We recommend that employees within your organization, undergo training using the test environment to get familiarized with the system before migrating to the production environment.

Differentiating between the test and the production environment

After the data mitigation has been completed, your production environment will be made available. As earlier mentioned this is your organization's main application.

Primarily, the difference between the test and production environment includes:

  1. Base URL: The basic difference between the test and production environment is the URL. The base URL for the test environment has "test" in the URL path which is absent in the production environment. See below:
  1. VPN Access: Unlike the test environment, the production console requires a VPN connection to access the system. The console is fully secured with a VPN - which means that only designated persons with access within your organization will be allowed to access the production environment. However, accessing both environments requires the One-Time Password from a third-party authenticator.
  2. Reports: Another difference between the test and production environment is in the generated reports. Only reports generated from the production or live console have the organization logo on the reports.