Creating a Teller
A teller is a user within an organization with a teller account, which allows them to perform withdrawals, deposits, and other functionalities available on the teller UI.
The first step in creating a teller is adding a user to a new or existing Teller group.
Teller Group
Tellers are organized into specific groups known as teller groups. These groups are created by a teller manager and consist of multiple tellers who share similar information, such as the currencies they handle, office, accounting rules, status, start date, and end date. This information applies to all the tellers included in a particular teller group.
The teller manager has the flexibility to configure multiple currencies in a teller group, and each selected currency can be assigned to the different teller accounts for transactions under the teller group. For example, within the "Branch A" teller group, various currencies such as Naira, US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, and Gambian Dalasi are configured. Teller Anita is added to the Branch A teller group and can be assigned either of the currencies configured in the teller group.
To create a new teller group:
- On the navigation pane of the Woodcore console, navigate to Business > Tellers.
- Click on the "New group" button to create a teller group.
- Fill in the required details for the teller group
Office: Select the office from the drop-down list. Note that the office selected must be the same office of the users/employees who will be added to the teller group.
Name: Enter a name for the teller group. Ensure the name is descriptive and easy to recognize.
Currency: Select the currencies which will apply to the teller group. You can select one or more currencies based on the currency options supported by your organization. Any of the selected currencies can be assigned to each teller added to the teller group.
Once a currency or currencies, as the case may be, is selected. You will be required to fill in additional information on the currency limit. See image below.
Teller GL: Select a GL that will be impacted for the teller transactions carried out in the specific currency. See the Accounting Module for more information on GL creation.
Daily Teller Limit: This is the maximum amount a teller can have in their account for processing transactions in the selected currency. Transactions within the daily limit are processed without approval from the teller manager.
Where the amount on the teller’s account exceeds their daily limit, for example, a teller’s daily limit is set to N500,000, and a customer deposits N1,000,000 to their account. Here, the teller is expected to sell the excess to another cashier or vault.
Keep in mind
Teller requests must be approved by the teller manager before they can be processed.
Withdrawal limit: The withdrawal limit is the maximum amount a teller can withdraw from a customer’s account without the approval of the teller manager. Withdrawal transactions carried out within the withdrawal limit are processed directly.
Where the teller’s withdrawal limit is set to N500,000, any withdrawal beyond N500,000 must be approved by the teller manager before the withdrawal is processed.
Description(Optional): Enter a description or note.
Accounting Rule: Select a predefined accounting rule from the option.
Status: Select Active to activate the teller group or Inactive to create an inactive teller group.
Start date: Enter a start date. The teller group becomes active on the selected start date.
End date: Enter an end date. The teller group will no longer be operational, and its functionality will be suspended on the selected end date.
The information provided will apply to all tellers added to the teller group.
- Click the Create Group button to create the teller group. Once the teller group is created, teller(s) can be added to it.
The teller group is an essential requirement for teller creation. This means that all teller must be part of a teller group.
Adding a Teller to a Teller Group
Once a teller group has been created, the next step is to add a user/staff to the teller group. Remember that a teller is a user within your organization; therefore, the user must already be created with assign role. See Creating a User section. Upon being added to the teller group, the user becomes a teller with access to the teller UI and its functionalities.
To add a teller, follow these steps:
- Select the teller group to which you want to add the teller.
- Next, click on the “Add Teller” button on the right side of the screen.
- Enter the required information:
- Staff: Select the user from the drop-down list.
- Currency: Select a currency or currencies that will be configured on the teller's account for transactions. If your organization supports multiple currencies, each of the currencies selected in the teller group can be added to the teller's account.
- Default Currency: Particularly for tellers with multiple currencies. This is the teller's primary currency. When a teller performs transactions, such as deposits or withdrawals, the amounts are typically denominated in the default currency unless specified otherwise.
- Start and end date: Enter a start and end date for the teller's account. Ensure the dates are set within the date range set in the teller group.
- Is full day: By checking the "is full day" button, the teller will be able to process transactions for the entire day, i.e., 24 hours a day.
- Start and end time: Alternatively, you can set a time duration within which the teller can process transactions. Teller transactions can only be processed within the start and end times.
- Lastly, click on “Add teller” to submit.
A teller has been successfully created! 🎉
Updated about 1 year ago