Deposit Account Lifecycle

Deposit Account Lifecycle

Deposit Account Lifecycle

To become operational, a deposit account goes through a life cycle consisting of three stages. These stages contain specific actions and operations that must be completed. Until the deposit account completes this cycle, it only exists in the database and cannot be used for transactions.

The deposit account lifecycle includes:

  1. Account Creation
  2. Approval
  3. Activation

As illustrated in the table below:

Account statusActionsDescription
Account CreationApprove accountAccount approved; awaiting activation.
Modify AccountMake changes to the account information.
Unassign staffUnassign an assigned staff within your organization.
Reject AccountReject or deny account creation application.
Withdrawn by clientAccount creation is canceled by the customer.
Add chargeAdd charge to the account.
Delete AccountAccount application canceled
ApproveUndo ApprovalCancel or reverse account approval.
ActivateAccount active and available to use
RejectReject or deny account approval.
Withdrawn by ClientAccount creation is canceled by the customer.
Add ChargeAdd charge to the account.
Delete AccountCanceled account application.
ActivateUnassign staffUnassign an assigned staff within your organization.
Post interestAdd earned interest to the account.
Add chargeAdd charge to the account.
Generate statementGenerate account statement
Transfer fundsPerform fund transfer
Block accountTemporarily suspend account
Activate PNDTemporarily restrict account

Note that every action taken will affect the status of the customer's account. It's important to note that your account status may also revert to its previous state. For instance, if you choose to undo an approval, an approved account may become pending approval again.